Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Zumthor, Atmospheres

Peter Zumthor has in many ways become the cliche of a phenomenological architecture,however one cannot deny that there is a certain "atmosphere" or mystique to the way material and experience are considered in his work. Reading the transcription of his lecture delivered on June 1st at the Festival of Literature and Music in East-Westphalia-Lippe (somewhere that has previously escaped my notice, but in fact appears quite intriguing!) one cannot help but be pulled into Zumthor's thinking, his description, his architecture.

"We are capable of immediate appreciation, of a spontaneous emotional response, of rejecting things in a flash. That is very different from linear thought, which we are equally capable of , and which I love too; thinking our way from A to B in a mentally organised fashion. ... The first movement of Brahm's viola sonata, when the viola comes in - just two seconds and we're there!"

Zumthor on cinema,

"Where nothing is trying to coax you away, where you can simply be. ... Guidance, preparation, stimulation, the pleasant surprise, relaxation..."

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