Thursday, April 22, 2010

More Asplund

It bridges the journey from' theatre to cinema, from Classicism classicism, a term that, when applied generally, means clearness, elegance, symmetry, and repose produced by attention to traditional forms. It is sometimes synonymous with excellence or artistic quality of high distinction, to proto-Modernity, from functionality to myth making. On entering, you go down a flight of stairs to the foyer whose walls were originally dark green. As Simo Paavilainen Simo Paavilainen (born 1944) is a Finnish architect, and Dean and Professor of Architecture at Helsinki University of Technology Department of Architecture.

Paavilainen studied architecture at Helsinki University of Technology, qualifying as an architect in 1975. says, 'In the middle of the greenness stands a brightly-lit white walled building with cornices and red velvet doorways -- a white building in a deep green space. The visitor believes that he is entering a building, but inside he finds a moon and a deep blue arch of sky'. The celestial globes celestial globe. A model of the celestial sphere showing the positions of the stars and other celestial bodies.

Noun 1. celestial globe - a globe that is a spherical model of the heavens which used to hang in the auditorium auditorium

Portion of a theater or hall where an audience sits, as distinct from the stage. The auditorium originated in the theaters of ancient Greece, as a semicircular seating area cut into a hillside, have long been removed (but, like most other disassembled parts of the original design, they have been carefully stored).

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