Friday, April 9, 2010

Cell, secret lives part II

Cells Vol.1 & Vol.2 by Jean-Pierre Attal

Entre art et archéologie sociale, le photographe parisien Jean-Pierre Attal observe l'architecture des bureaux contemporains. Between art and social archeology, the Parisian photographer Jean-Pierre Attal observes contemporary office architecture. Derrière ces façades de verre, comme dans une ruche, la vie se dévoile, grouillante, innombrable, anonyme. Behind the facades of glass, like a beehive, life unfolds, swarming innumerable anonymous.

Sur cette série, Jean-Pierre Attal précise: In this series, Jean-Pierre Attal says:

« L'architecture des bureaux actuels ayant évolué dans le sens d'une plus grande transparence, je décide en 2007 d'explorer de nouveau ce terrain favorable à l'extension de mon travail d'archéologie sociale de la strate urbaine. Ces photographies grand format appréhendent la réalité d'individus étroitement liés à l'architecture contemporaine. "The architecture of the existing offices has evolved in the direction of greater transparency, I decided in 2007 to explore this new ground supported the extension of my work of social archeology of the urban strata. These large photographs format apprehend the reality of individuals closely linked to contemporary architecture. Elles fouillent le monde du travail tertiaire à travers les ouvertures vitrées des tours de bureaux contemporains. They searched the world of tertiary work across window openings contemporary office towers. C'est dans une très grande proximité qu'elles donnent à voir ces empilements d'étages saturés de salariés, révélant l'activité frénétique d'une ruche en pleine effervescence. Les « open spaces » deviennent alors totalement accessibles et dévoilent les détails d'un univers standardisé qui habituellement nous échappent. Dans le chaos architectural, c'est finalement la récurrence et l'obsédante répétition qui conduisent à l'évanouissement des êtres sous « X ». It is in very close proximity they are to see these piles of floors saturated with employees, revealing the frenetic activity of a hive of excitement. The "open spaces" become fully accessible and reveal the details a world standard, which usually escapes us. In the architectural chaos, it is ultimately the recurrence and the obsessive repetition that lead to the vanishing of beings in "X".

1 comment:

  1. Between art and social archeology, The Parisian photographer Jean Pierre Attal observed contemporary office architecture. Behind the facades of glass, like a beehive, life unfolds, swarming innumerable anonymous. Behind the facade of glass, like a beehive, Life Unfold, swarming innumeracy anonymous.

    In this series, Jean-Pierre Attal says: In this series, Jean-Pierre Attal says:

    "The architecture of the existing offices has evolved in the direction of greater transparency, I decided in 2007 to explore this new ground supported the extension of my work of social archeology of the urban strata. These large photographs format apprehend the reality of individuals closely linked to contemporary architecture. "The architecture of the Existing Office Has Evolved in the direction of Greater transparency, I Decided in 2007 to explore this new ground Supported the extension of my work of archeology of the urban social strata. These large format photographs apprehends the reality of Individual Closely Linked to contemporary architecture. They searched the world of tertiary work across window openings contemporary office towers. Theys searched the world of tertiary work across window Openings contemporary office towers. It is in very close proximity they are to see these piles of floors saturated with employees, revealing the frenetic activity of a hive of excitement. The "open spaces" become fully accessible and reveal the details a world standard, which usually escapes us. In the architectural chaos, it is ultimately the recurrence and the obsessive repetition that lead to the vanishing of beings in "X". It Is in very close proximity They Are to see piles of argument employed with saturated floors, Revealing the Frenetic activity of a hive of excitement. The "open spaces" become Fully accessible and Reveal the details to world standard, Which Usually escapes us. In the architectural chaos, It Is ultimately the induction and the obsessive repetition That lead to the vanishing of baths in "X".
